This site contains most of my paper models that I have started creating since June 2010.

Here, I must give my thanks to Cowboyleland for his brilliant idea on making 2.5d figures that are easy to build and look good from most angles. His method has been applied to make figures such as the wererat, snakeman, ghoul and praying mantis. My thanks also go to many friends I met in Onemonk ( and forum ( for their support and inspiration!

For the time being I can only post the finished products in this blog. In future, I hope that I can include more works in progress and also more essays on how to make these models.

I hope you enjoy this site!

Monday, November 28, 2011

2.5d characters and NPCs

Well, I think I have created quite a lot of monsters!  It is time for me to make a few characters and NPCs.  All of the figures in this set are 2.5d and they require minimal glueing.  You only need to glue the cloak for the wizard and thief.  They are now available at:

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Blue dragon

This is a modification of an earlier attempt to make a white dragon.  New textures and colour have been applied to make this blue dragon.

Stay tuned, for more dragons are coming soon!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A few more strange monsters...

This release contains two more golems (wood and ice) and one large piece (cyclop).  Also, some rather strange creatures, such as the cherub from the Doom game, and the finger mage from Diablo 2, are included.  Two DnD creatures, xorn and roper, also appear in this series and they should find good use in cavern encounters.  Finally, a psychic elemental, a being of chaotic psychic energy, also makes it way to the prime plane.

They are available in three files:

Xorn, Roper, Doom Cherub:


Psychic Elemental, Wood Golem, Ice Golem, Finger Mage:

These are the golems I have created so far.  You may say that I am a golem lover. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Air, Fire, Water, Earth Elementals!

With powerful elemental magic, creatures from the elemental realms are now summoned to aid you in the conquest of the fantasy world! 
They are now available at:


Thanks a lot for the comments!

For the bases, I have just uploaded a page with three different sizes:

Actually, it is from Scarecrow's Elder Thing paper model on Onemonk's forum.  The model is available at:
The Elder Thing is the first 3d paper model I have ever built and it is still gracing my bookshelf.  To match with this very first model, I have used the base for my subsequent projects. 

Building notes for Air Elemental

The air elemental is made of two parts, the upper stormy cone and the lower cylinderical body.

The upper cone is formed from two cones (the circular discs), one with texture inside and one with outside.  Then the two cones are glued together to form the upper part.  Finally, a few cuts (less than 1/3 of the cone's radius) are made along the white stormy lines to make the storm more life-like.

The lower part is basically a cylinder with the upper side bigger than the lower side.  Then apply glue to the edge of the upper side and glue the upper cone to it.  Finally, apply glue on the lower edge of the cylinder and mount the model to a base.  Enjoy!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

More 2.5d minis - werebat, tengu, zombie and more

My further attempts at creating 2.5d minis.  They include the following monsters:








Stringless Puppet

They are now available in two files:

Except the tengu which you need to glue the wings (which should not be an issue), and the lizardman that needs attaching the shield (again not difficult), all minis in this series do not need gluing of small parts.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Samurai, Death Knight and Mind Flayer

Long time no update!  My latest creation include a great eastern warrior that could be used as player or NPC and two models on the villian side.  Hope all of your enjoy building them!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Alien Eggs

This is a simple model based on the eggs appeared in the film "Alien".  One version shows a hatching egg.  This model is available at:

Sunday, May 29, 2011

More dungeon creatures

In the deepest dungeons, great dangers await...

This release contains more dungeon creatures, which include an intellect devourer, a drider, a displacer beast, and a beholder. 
 Available at:

Available at:

Available at:

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Plant monsters

In the world of fantasy, plants are not just plants and trees are not just trees.  For the unwary adventurers, a simple looking flower can be the last thing they see...

This set contains three different plant monsters ranging from grass to tree.  Enjoy!