This site contains most of my paper models that I have started creating since June 2010.

Here, I must give my thanks to Cowboyleland for his brilliant idea on making 2.5d figures that are easy to build and look good from most angles. His method has been applied to make figures such as the wererat, snakeman, ghoul and praying mantis. My thanks also go to many friends I met in Onemonk ( and forum ( for their support and inspiration!

For the time being I can only post the finished products in this blog. In future, I hope that I can include more works in progress and also more essays on how to make these models.

I hope you enjoy this site!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Customizable wizards

This is an experimental project.  The wizard at the lower right corner is a layered figure and you can try to change the head, staff, robe colour, off-hand weapon, etc to make a unique wizard for your own adventure.  The other wizards are not customizable but can be turned off if they are not required.

The file for the models is available at the following link:



  1. Are there female faces and other skin tones available?

  2. Yes. The current version is more-or-less a beta version. I have intended to include more variations such as different skin tones. Models for female spell casters are also in the pipeline.

  3. Thank you very much for your models.

    I also want to ask you if you have some plans for a Tiamat papermodel?

    It will be amazing!!


    1. Yes, but that one may come a bit later, probably the last one to create. I wish to make the model a kind of "opus magnus" and a satisfactory conclusion to this paper modeling project.

  4. Conclusion? Please tell us you plan on taking an apprentice to continue this great work…

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Can i know how to change the wizard layers? only used PDF reader or i need open it on adobe PS?

  7. PDF reader should be able to change the layers. I think there should be some icons on the left(?) and clicking that would open a panel. You can then switch on and off the layers.

  8. thank you, now I can have my own medieval fantasy kingdom
